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New African Grove Theatre Company
Two Trains Running
Set in 1969, this was New African Grove Theatre Company's seventh production of an August Wilson play. It opened July 10th, 2015. It was directed by Keith Franklin.

Two Trains Running takes place in a small diner in Pittsburgh. Owned by Memphis Lee, the diner regulars include Risa, a waitress who scarred her legs in an effort to keep men away; Sterling, an ex-prisoner who depends on luck to find work rather than the hard way; Hambone, a mentally challenged middle-age man who was cheated by the white man for work he had done; Wolf, a numbers runner who uses the diner for his business; Holloway who has a strong belief in the supernatural and West the successful owner of a funeral home.
The regulars of Memphis Lee's restaurant are struggling to cope with the turbulence of a world that is changing rapidly around them and fighting back when they can. This play starred Emmy Award nominee, Taurean Blacque!

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